Saturday, May 17, 2008

Thunder and Lightning

It's getting close to summertime, and I think that I tried to tell myself that I didnt like the heat of the day. But I was kidding myself.

My most favorite attribute of the hottest season of the year is summer storms. I lovetto turn any noise off in my room and listen to the hard rain beat own on the roof, and the distant boom of the thunder off in the distance.

I also love lemonade, and I dont like it as much in the Winter. Its like hot chocolote in the Winter. I dont ever have it in the summer.

I love cloudbursts, and the smell of the rain hitting the concrete.

Summer drinks, Daquari's and Mojito's. I like the summer alot more then I thought I did.

So the whole living on campus thing isdefinatly falling through, but I brought the whole apartment thing up to my parents, and well, they are on board. So it looks like I will be staying at the civic Plaza Apartments, 2 miles away from the campus.

I am not only excited to move out, but I'm also excited to be alone.

I wish there were a storm outside.